2. All material stored in bank vaults, no retail outlet.
  3. All material guaranteed genuine.
  4. All material is owned by eyeappealing.com, we don’t advertise coins owned by other companies.
  5. Items added to cart remain in inventory until purchased.
  6. Items shipped immediately upon clearance of good funds.
  7. Items shipped via U.S.P.S. insured, signature required. Please see Shipping for details.
  8. Items removed from original holders (slabbed or raw) may not be returned.
  9. Returns postmarked 7 days or less from date of receipt accepted.
  10. Returns must be sent fully insured, signature required. Postage is non-refundable.
  11. We ship to the U.S. only.
  12. Credit card sales will be shipped to billing address only.
  13. Please make checks payable to eyeappealing.com.                            (P.O. Box 995, Bristol, CT. 06010)
  14. Website is kept current, however, most items are one of a kind and subject to prior sale.
  15. Please don’t hold us responsible for typos….thanks.
  16. We reserve the right to decline to do business at our discretion.

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